Improve the performance of your marketing agency. ALAN automatically nurtures leads via SMS text messages and turns them into potential customers.
Delivering leads has never been easier!
You are great at running Facebook and Google Ads to get leads for your customers, but getting them to actually show up is harder than ever. As an agency, half of the leads you generate for your customers are wasted.
ALAN uses artificial intelligence plus real humans to make 100x more leads to actually show up in person or virtually.
How do we do it? By adjusting to the times – texting them, instead of calling or emailing them.
Reduce your cost per lead and make more money for your customers than they are spending.
With last-touch attribution, always get the credit for your clients' growing business!
Optimized pages that have successfully converted over half a million leads.
We utilize 10-digit long code SMS, the most trusted communication platform that has proven to encourage engagement.
Integrates directly with your customer’s calendar to automatically book appointments.
Machine-learning based scripts create funnels with 120% better accuracy.
We find the harmony between AI and live operators to ensure your leads show up to booked appointments.
Only pay when a lead indicates they are showing up in-person or virtually.
Implement a new revenue stream that will deliver value to your clients and competitive moat for you.
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